Suffering from hair loss? Here are 7 simple tips for you – TwoHerbs

Suffering from hair loss? Here are 7 simple tips for you

If you think your dry and frizzy hair is the worst, well having oily hair is just as much headache. Your hair easily becomes oily even when you’ve just washed it a day or two ago. Your tresses feel weighed down because of greasiness without even applying any after shower hair product! I know it’s frustrating but that’s not even the worst because having greasy hair can also lead to hair loss. Don’t let this problem escalate! Learn more about your condition and the things you can do to avoid the dreaded hair loss.


Hair Loss

When it comes to hair growth, it occurs in three phase and those are:

  •  Anagen—this is the first phase which the actively growing part of the cycle that lasts for around two to six years.
  •  Catagen—next to anagen is catagen. In this short phase, your hair becomes protein.
  •  Telogen—is the last phase. This is where strands fall out and new hair follicle comes out.


Hair loss happens when your hair’s three-phase growing cycle is interrupted. Typically, it occurs at the last phase where the new follicles fail to re-enter and become inactive.


Greasy Hair and Scalp

There are a lot of things that can cause an oily scalp. You may have an overactive sebaceous gland, was triggered by physical changes or your hair habits lead you to it. Despite the reason behind it, it will still eventually lead to other hair and scalp problems like hair loss.


How Hair Loss And Oily Scalp Are Connected?

If you do not address oily scalp immediately and accordingly, you’ll have to expect hair loss to follow through. How? Oily scalp results in dandruff which interrupts your natural growth cycle by blocking your hair follicles. When this happens, you may develop other scalp conditions like Seborrheic dermatitis, Scalp psoriasis, and Malassezia which can all lead to hair loss too.



Despite how frustrating this may seem, there are ways to combat this.


Choose Your Shampoo Well

Not all shampoo is the same and just because a particular brand has a lot of advertisements don’t necessarily mean it’s more effective than others. Look for those that target oily scalp, dandruff and hair loss. Read the ingredients, if you have Seborrheic dermatitis or Malassezia look for the ketoconazole or selenium sulfide. In case its scalp psoriasis that you’re dealing with, shampoos with salicylic acid helps the same with organic and natural shampoos with herbs like rosemary, chamomile, thyme, lavender, aloe vera, jojoba, jasmine, and pomegranate.


Mind Your Hair Care Habits

Know the things that you should and shouldn’t do if you’re struggling with oily hair. Simple things like not touching your hair all the time or focusing your conditioner on the mid-shaft to the ends and not washing your hair everyday can really make a difference.


Seek Two Herbs Oily Scalp Treatments

Two Herbs can help address the root of your hair problem to provide the most suitable solution. Their treatments maintain and restore hair follicles and stimulate healthier hair growth! Aside from that, their treatments are also great when you’re suffering from hair problems like hair loss, dandruff, premature greying, eczema, psoriasis, and more that can all lead to thinning hair.  So that, your glorious and thick locks, will be restored.


So if oily scalp specific shampoos and the hair care changes doesn’t seem to help and feel like you need more in-depth treatment, you may find your luck with these three:


  •         Ayurvedic Scalp Acupressure

Their trained therapist uses ancient Ayurvedic techniques of scalp acupressure to help you relax and improve blood circulation to the scalp region, which is essential for providing hair roots with nourishment. This is vital for hair growth in addition to stimulating blood flow to the scalp. The scalp massage is soothing and helps prevent headaches as well as benefit sleep patterns. Studies have shown that scalp massage is beneficial to people suffering from headache or insomnia.


  •         Herbal Mask Treatment

The combination of Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs moisturize your tresses, treats dandruff, and stimulates hair growth.


  •         Scalp Massage

Their ten finger acupressure massage by their trained therapist enhances blood circulation for your scalp. This treatment will help improve your overall health at the same time.


  •        Two Herbs Herbal Treatment

This procedure helps breaks down the oil sebum, open up the pores of the scalp to allow the herbal paste to enter the hair follicles, strengthen the root and replace oil sebum with nutrients of the herbs. This will cleanse your scalp in a much deeper way than any shampoo can do.

Finding the right hair treatment is essential for tackling hair loss. If you’re looking for natural remedies, our herbal hair loss treatment offer a plant-based approach to healthier hair. For men facing hair thinning, our specialized male hair loss treatment in Singapore can help you regain confidence. Additionally, maintaining a healthy scalp is key consider our scalp treatment for hair loss for the best care.