Rosehip Oil For Hair Health: 5 Must-Read Secrets

rosehip oil for hair

With so many hair care products and treatments on the market, crafting the proper regimen may be challenging. You have to pick formulations made for your type or hair, not to mention you also have to steer clear of damaging chemicals.

But have you tried hair oils? Hair oils are chock full of benefits and organic ingredients, keeping your hair moisturised, lustrous, and smooth. Rosehip oil, in particular, can soon be a part of your hair care regimen.

Rosehip oil is becoming increasingly popular thanks to its hydrating and exfoliating properties. Tracing its roots in traditional medicine, rosehip oil has slowly found its way into modern times as an ingredient for better hair growth.

1. What Is Rosehip Oil?

Rosehip oil is also referred to as rosehip seed oil. It's a natural oil derived and extracted from the rosa canina rose bush, often found in the Chilean wilderness.

Rosehip oil contains seed and fruit extracts. Contrary to popular belief, it does not have rose petal extracts like rose oil.

2. Why Use Rosehip Oil For Hair And Scalp?

Why Use Rosehip Oil For Hair And Scalp

Rosehip oil has several benefits, including:

  • Healthy fatty acids (linoleic and oleic acids) - These can help improve hair density and diameter. They also prevent hair fall and hair loss.
  • Antioxidants like lycopene and vitamin C - Vitamin C helps combat dandruff, hair loss, and premature greying of your hair strands. Meanwhile, lycopene promotes blood flow and cell restoration. It can protect the scalp from product residue and damage.
  • Vitamin A - Vitamin A promotes hair growth and health. It facilitates sebum production, which prevents hair breakage.
  • Anti-inflammatory ingredients, like polyphenols and vitamin E - Polyphenols fight against patterned hair loss and improve scalp health. On the other hand, vitamin E's natural anti-inflammatory properties assist in hair growth and maintenance.

Using Rosehip Oil For Inflammatory Scalp Conditions

Although there is no direct link between usage of rosehip oil and relief from common scalp and other skin conditions, one study discovered rosehip powder's anti-inflammation and pain-relief benefits.

The study found that rosehip powder helps reduce the pain experienced by osteoarthritis patients. The paper suggests that rosehip oil can be considered a "nutraceutical" or food source-derived product that contains health benefits.

Those treating scalp conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and rosacea could consider rosehip oil for pain relief. However, more studies are needed to support its anti-inflammatory properties.

To treat scalp conditions, it's still best to visit a doctor. You may discuss rosehip oil as a complementary therapy for your scalp.

Using Rosehip Oil For Hair Growth

Generally, healthy roots promote proper hair growth. As mentioned, rosehip oil contains ingredients and other properties that help improve hair strength and growth.

For instance, lycopene promotes normal circulation and cell restoration. It's essential for scalp cell repair and ensuring the follicles are healthy.

Rosehip oil is abundant in omega fatty acids (3, 6, and 9). All of these have powerful hair health benefits. They help reduce scarring and inflammation and promote hair growth.

Vitamin C is another antioxidant found in rosehip oil. It boosts collagen production, strengthening your strands and facilitating hair repair and regeneration.

3. Side Effects Of Using Rosehip Oil For Hair

While it is extracted from natural ingredients, rosehip oil may cause side effects for some individuals. How so? To understand it better, we must distinguish between rosehip essential oils and traditional oil extracts.

Essential oils, like lavender, tea tree, or peppermint, must be diluted with a carrier oil. Carrier oil refers to cold-pressed nuts and seeds that allow you to apply the essential oils onto the skin.

Essential oils have to be diluted mainly for safety reasons. The first is to avoid adverse skin reactions, such as increased sensitivity and phototoxicity.

The second reason is to prevent systemic toxicity. This refers to toxic effects on the entire body caused by the absorption of some substances.

However, rosehip extract doesn't need to be diluted compared to essential oils. Many even use rosehip oil extract as a carrier oil for any essential oils they're using.

If it's your first time applying rosehip oil, it's better to test the product first. Apply a small amount on your skin before using it to massage your scalp copiously.

Allergic reactions to rosehip oil aren't really common, but be wary of these side effects:

  • Rashes
  • Itchy scalp
  • Crusty scalp
  • Redness

Take great care not to get any rosehip oil in your eyes to avoid redness. For example, rinse off all the residue completely if you're applying it with your hair mask.

Remember, rosehip oil is meant to be used topically. Never take it by mouth. Also, if you have other skin conditions, it's best to consult a doctor before using rosehip oil, as it can interfere with other medications.

4. How To Use Rosehip Oil For Your Hair

How To Use Rosehip Oil For Your Hair

You can apply rosehip oil on your hair in two ways: as a mask or spot treatment. Do a spot test on a small patch on your skin before proceeding to avoid any potential side effects.

Rosehip Oil As A Hair Mask

You can directly apply rosehip oil to your hair without any carrier oils. Below is a brief step-by-step guide on using rosehip oil as a hair mask:

  1. Start by partitioning your hair into several layers.
  2. Apply rosehip oil to each layer, ensuring all strands are covered. Massage it thoroughly.
  3. Wear a shower cap, then leave your hair sitting for 20 to 30 minutes.
  4. Thoroughly rinse off the rosehip oil before applying shampoo and conditioner.

You can also use hair masks and other oils alongside rosehip oil. Two Herbs' Collagen Deep Moisturizing Mask, for example, contains Crambe Abyssinica seed oil. It provides natural hydration and has high levels of C22 fatty acids for healthier hair.

Rosehip Oil Through Spot Treatment

Spot treatment refers to targeting only certain areas of your body to address skin issues. If you think applying a hair mask may be too much work, you can put rosehip oil in only some areas of your scalp.

  1. Put some rosehip oil on your scalp, then massage it on the affected area.
  2. Wear a shower cap and let the substance sit for half an hour, depending on your hair thickness.
  3. Use mild shampoo and conditioner as needed.

5. How To Make Rosehip Oil At Home

Rosehip oil is widely available in markets and online stores. You can easily find one in a grocery or specialty health store.

But if you want to create your own rosehip oil formulation, you'll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of dried or fresh rosehips
  • 2 cups of almond oil
  • Around 5 drops of vitamin E oil
  • Cooking pot
  • Cheesecloth

All of these ingredients are readily available in stores statewide. After preparation, you can now proceed with creating homemade rosehip oil for your hair.

  1. Rinse the rosehips, then crush them into little sediments using a mortar and pestle.
  2. Combine the crushed rosehips and almond oil in a pot, then cook on low heat for 8 hours.
  3. Strain the oil from the solid residue using a cheesecloth. Pour the remaining oil mixture into a glass container or seal-tight jar.
  4. Add five drops of vitamin E and voila - homemade rosehip oil. Store it in a cool, dry place, like a cabinet. You may extend its shelf life to six months by storing it in a fridge.

Conclusion About Rosehip Oil For Hair

Are you thinking of using rosehip oil for your hair? It's best to know everything about this natural oil before applying it.

Rosehip oil is an essential oil with numerous health benefits. For those with oily scalp and dry hair, rosehip oil has exfoliating properties to get the scalp and hair back in shape. For those with general hair types, rosehip oil contains natural ingredients, like vitamin E, A, C, and other anti-inflammatory substances.

Whether you're using rosehip oil to treat a persisting hair problem or improve your hair condition, it's best to seek professional advice.

Get in touch with us at Two Herbs for more information on natural and herbal hair treatments. We are Singapore's top-rated provider of natural hair products to solve your most pressing hair and scalp conditions. Shop now and check out our treatments for hair loss, dandruff, and many more!

Frequently Asked Questions About Rosehip Oil For Hair

Can I Use Rosehip Oil On My Face?

Yes. You can use rosehip oil topically on your face. It protects the skin from free radicals that lead to ageing. Rosehip oil also hydrates the skin to keep it firm and light.

Does Rosehip Oil Have Retinol?

Rosehip oil does not have any retinol. However, it contains trace amounts of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), an active vitamin A metabolite.

How Often Can You Use Rosehip Oil?

You may apply rosehip oil twice a day, in the morning and evening. Generally, it's safe to use with other hair products and ingredients but consult with your stylist beforehand if unsure.

Do I Apply Rosehip Oil Before A Moisturiser?

No. You should always moisturise your hair first before applying rosehip oil. Doing it the other way around can reduce the effects of both products.

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